thaly_black wrote in 1001fics Oct 30, 2011 15:50
lector: thaly_black, fandom: harry potter, autor: alex franco
thaly_black wrote in 1001fics Feb 17, 2010 15:43
fandom: the vampire diaries, lector: thaly_black, autor: tam-s90, fandom: glee
thaly_black wrote in 1001fics Feb 17, 2010 01:33
autor: makesomenoiise, fandom: canción de hielo y fuego, autor: lauranio, fandom: harry potter, lector: thaly_black, autor: nande_chan, autor: azturial, autor: tam-s90, fandom: twilight, fandom: glee
thaly_black wrote in 1001fics Feb 05, 2010 03:39
fandom: original, fandom: the vampire diaries, lector: thaly_black, fandom: canción de hielo y fuego, autor: carreteraymanta, autor: dryadeh, autor: earwen neruda